
臺北市立大學 英語教學系

Department of English Instruction | University of Taipei

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東吳大學英文學系與台灣兒童文學研究學會(TCLRA)共同舉辦之兒童文學國際學術研討會將於20241123日舉行。 研討會主題:Kids and Adults Allowed: Children’s Literature for Everyone,會內除邀請國外知名學者: 佛羅里達大學Kenneth Kidd教授 發表專題演講外,也提供與會者論文發表及交流活動。

研討會地點:東吳大學外雙溪校區 第一教研大樓 R101 普仁講堂


時間:1131123()  8:30-18:10


承辦人資訊:賴秘書 Email: ken0708@scu.edu.tw / 電話:(02) 2881-9471 分機6484


2024 Taiwan Children's Literature Research Association (TCLRA) International Conference 


To Whom It May Concern:

To explore the characteristics and applications of children's literature among different age groups, objectives, and audiences, a seminar will be held at Soochow University in Taipei on November 23, 2024. The theme of the seminar is "Kids and Adults Allowed: Children’s Literature for Everyone." In addition to inviting renowned foreign scholar, Professor Kenneth Kidd from the University of Florida, to give a keynote speech, the seminar will also provide opportunities for attendees to present and exchange papers.


Here is the information for the 2024 Taiwan Children's Literature Research Association (TCLRA) conference:

Theme: Topics related to children's literature

Target Audience: Students, scholars, and experts from various colleges and universities.

Location: Soochow University Waishuangxi Campus First Academic Building R101 Puran Hall

Address: No. 70, Linhsi Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 111

Conference Website: http://english.scu.edu.tw/tclra2024

(Conference Poster is attached)

Please help disseminate this information to those interested in participating. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address: tclra2024@gmail.com
