
E.I.UTaipei臺北市立大學 英語教學系

Department of English Instruction | University of Taipei


副教授 林文鶯


Ph.D. Wen-ying Lin



辦公室:臺北市立大學博愛校區 勤樸樓六樓 C619F

(02)2311-3040 轉 4984 

E-mail: wylin@utaipei.edu.tw 





Lin, W-Y, & Chang, Y-J. (2019). Construct validation of the multiple-choice items of the English Subtest of the Advanced Subjects Test in Taiwan. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 16(1), 80-94.

Liu, Y-L, Lin, W-Y, & Yu, C-Y. (2018). Validating the cloze items in the English Subtest of the General Scholastic Ability Test in Taiwan. Languages and International Studies, 20(2), 1-24.

Lin, W-Y, Liu, Y-L, & Yu, C-Y. (2018). The factor structure of multiple-choice items of the English subtest of the General Scholastic Ability Test. Journal of National Formosa University, 34(2), 89-106.

Chang, Y-J, Lin, W-Y, & Yu, C-Y. (2018). What do the cloze items in the English subtest of the Advanced Subjects Test in Taiwan measure? Hwa Kang English Journal, 23, 1-25.

林文鶯 & 張期敏 (2018). 從臺北市國小英語教學訪視報告與香港小學英語教學參訪談起。 國教新知,65(2), 39-52。

Lin, F-W, Lin, W-Y, & Yu, C-Y. (2016). On what rational cloze tests can measure: A revisit applying confirmatory factor analysis. Curriculum and Instruction, 19(3),205-236.

Ma, Y-H, & Lin, W-Y. (2015). A study on the relationship between English reading comprehension and English vocabulary knowledge. Education Research International. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/209154

Chen, W-C, & Lin, W-Y (2014). A study on the relationship of English listening comprehension to linguistic, cognitive and affective variables among Taiwanese elementary school students. Accents Asia, 7(1),1-27. http://accentsasia.org/7-1/chen_lin.pdf

Tseng, S-L,& Lin, W-Y. (2014). The relationship of EFL learners’vocabulary knowledge to their speaking performance: Productive vocabulary size, collocational knowledge and idiomatic knowledge. Curriculum and Instruction, 17(1), 95-124.

Tsai, S-H, & Lin, W-Y. (2013). The effects of gloss length and EFL learners’ English proficiency level on vocabulary retention. UT Journal of Language and Literature, 10(1), 67-95.

Liu, C-N, & Lin, W-Y. (2011). Evaluating the English reading comprehension items of the SAET and the DRET. TMUE Journal of Language and Literature, 6(2), 83-117.

Lin, W-Y, Yuan, H-C, & Feng, H-P. (2010). Language reduced redundancy tests: A reexamination of cloze test and C-test. Curriculum and Instruction, 13(2), 189-214.
