教授 胡潔芳
Ph.D. Chieh-Fang Hu
研究室:臺北市立大學博愛校區 勤樸樓六樓 C620H
(02) 2311-3040 轉 4995
E-mail: cfhu@utaipei.edu.tw
A. 期刊論文
- Hu, C. F. (accepted). Resolving referential ambiguity for nouns and verbs across situations by foreign-language learners. English Teaching and Learning.
- Hu, C. F., & Maechtle, C. (2021). Construction learning by child learners of foreign language: Input distribution and learner factors. The Modern Language Journal, 105(1), 335–354.
- Lee, I. H., Maechtle, C., & Hu, C. F. (2021). Enhancing vocabulary retention in low-achieving EFL students: Massed or spaced? English Teaching and Learning, 45(4), 415–430.
- Hu, C. F. (2021). Adaptation to an unfamiliar accent by child L2 listeners. Language and Speech, 64(3), 491–514.
- Hsu, F. H., & Hu, C. F. (2019). Identifying the linguistic profile of persistent foreign language learning difficulties: A case study. English Teaching and Learning, 43(3), 235–254.
- Lu, Y. Y., & Hu, C. F. (2019). Dynamic assessment of phonological awareness in young foreign language learners: Predictability and modifiability. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 32(4), 891–908.
- Hu, C. F., & Hsu, F. H. (2018). The value of adding a flipped learning component to a humanities course in higher education: Student perception and performance. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 15(2), 1-32.
- 胡潔芳、楊麗中(2017):差異化教學與國小英語教學。教育研究月刊,279,98-116。
- Hu, C. F. (2017). Resolving referential ambiguity across ambiguous situations in young foreign language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 38(3), 633-656.
- Hu, C. F. (2016). Foreign-accent comprehension and adaptation: What we can learn from young native learners of English. English Teaching and Learning, 40(4), 65-89.
- Hu, C. F., & Schuele, C. M. (2015). When language experience fails to explain word reading development: Cognitive and linguistic profiles of young foreign language learners. Modern Language Journal, 99(4), 754-770.
- Liu, K. L., & Hu, C. F. (2015). Promoting oral reading fluency in young EFL learners through readers theater. English Teaching and Learning, 39, 1-31.
- 陳羿均、胡潔芳、鄭錦桂(2015):臺灣外籍華語文學習者解讀漢字之傾向。課程與教學季刊,18(1),123-146。
- Hu, C. F. (2014). Adapting to atypical word forms in young EFL learners. English Teaching and Learning, 38(4), 1-25.
- 楊麗中、張期敏、胡潔芳(2014):圖畫故事書在英語教學中常見的問題。國教新知,61(2),3-11。
- Hu, C. F. (2014). Extracting phonological patterns for L2 word learning: The effect of poor L1 phonological awareness. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43, 569-585.
- 張苾含、胡潔芳、陳俊光 (2013):英漢雙語學童聲韻覺識及構詞覺識與英漢認字能力之相關研究。教育心理學報,45,201-220。
- Hu, C.F. (2013). Predictors of reading in children with Chinese as a first Language: A developmental and cross-linguistic perspective. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26(2), 163-187. DOI: 10.1007/s11145-012-9360-0
- Hu, C. F. (2012). Fast mapping and deliberate word-learning by EFL Children. Modern Language Journal, 96(3), 439-453.
- Liu, Y. C., & Hu, C. F. (2010). The role of Chinese EFL learners’ sensitivity to English lexical stress patterns in grammatical category assignments. English Teaching and Learning, 34(4), 1-31.
- Guo, L. L., & Hu, C. F. (2010). The effects of exposure to rhyming words on the L2 word learning. TMUE Journal of Literature and Linguistics.
- Hu, C. F. (2010). Chinese children’s preferential use of sublexical cues in interpreting Chinese characters. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 13(4), 229-253.
- Shen, C. H., & Hu, C. F. (2010) The effects of post-reading activities on young EFL learners’ word learning. English Teaching and Learning, 34, 55-101.
- Hu, C. F. (2010). Phonological bases for L2 morphological learning. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 39, 305-322.
- Hu, C. F. (2008). Use orthography in L2 auditory word learning: Who benefits? Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 21, 823-841.
- 胡潔芳 (2008). 兒童漢語構詞覺識與聲韻覺識之關係。華語文教學研究,5,45-66。
- Hu, C. F. (2008). Rate of acquiring and processing L2 color words in relations to L1 phonological awareness. Modern Language Journal, 9, 39-52.
- Chu, H. M., Yu, Y. Y., Chang, H. T. A., Ting, L., Yu, C., & Hu, C. F. (2007). Effectiveness of phonological remediation for children with poor English word reading abilities. English Teaching and Learning, 31, 85-125.
- Chung, W. L., & Hu, C. F. (2007). Morphological awareness and learning to read Chinese. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 20(5), 441-461.
- Hu, C. F., & Cheng, C. K. (2006). EFL early literacy development: Synthesis of the research. English Teaching and Learning, special issue 2, 21-49.
- 胡潔芳 (2006). 由心理語言學討論不同詞彙編排方式的學習效果,國教新知,53(3),1-6.
- Hu, C. F. (2005). How much you learn from shared reading may depend on how sensitive you are to the sound structure. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 2, 4-15.
- Hu, C. F., & Schuele, C. M. (2005). Learning nonnative names: The effect of poor native phonological awareness. Applied Psycholinguistics, 26, 343-362.
- Chan, I. C., Hu, C. F., & Wan, I. P. (2005). Learning to read and spell: The relative role of phonemic awareness and onset-rime awareness. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 3(1), 65-100.
- Hu, C. F. (2004). The development of phonological representations among Chinese-speaking children. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2, 103-130.
- Hu, C. F. (2004). Learning to spell with poor phonological awareness. English Teaching and Learning, 28(3), 31-52.
- 胡潔芳. (2004). 幼兒學習美語的迷思. 幼教簡訊, 20, 12-13.
- Hu, C. F. (2003). Phonological memory, phonological awareness, and foreign language word learning. Language Learning, 53, 429-462.
- Hu, C. F. (2002). Nonword repetitions of EFL children. Journal of Taipei Municipal Teachers College, 33, 457-470.
- 胡潔芳 (2002). 淺談「舞音弄韻」在外語習得之重要性。國教新知,49,19-28
- 胡潔芳 (2001). 隱性與顯性音韻表徵之發展與詞彙量之關係。臺北市立師範學院學報,32,599-612.
- 胡潔芳 (2001). 從語言學習的本質探討外語學習能力的差異。教育研究月刊,89, 66-74. (NSC89-2411-H-133-010)
- Hu, C. F. (2000). Some questions you may ask about phonics. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Language and Literature, 7, 161-172.
- 胡潔芳 (1999). 如何協助孩童發展英語音韻覺識。英語教學,23(3),7-14。
- Hu, C. F., & Catts, H. W. (1998). The role of phonological processing in early reading ability: What we can learn from Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, 2, 55-79.
- 胡潔芳 (1997).語音運用與漢字學讀。人文及社會科教育通訊,8,68-79。
- Hu, C. F., Kao, C., & Zhang, Z. W. (1997). Syllabic or subsyllabic: The nature of representation in Chinese-speaking children. Hwa Kang Journal of English Language and Literature, 3, 3-19.
- Hu, C. F. (1995). Phonological mediation, meaning access, and orthographic depth: A multilingual comparison. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Language and Literature, 2, 249-272.
- Hu, C. F. (1994). A chain formation and acquisition of causativization: Comment on Borer and Wexler’s maturation hypothesis. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Languages and Literature, renewed edition, 209-215.
- Hu, C. F., & Catts, H. (1993). Phonetic recoding as a universal process? Evidence from beginning readers of Chinese. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 325-337.
- Hu, C. F. (1992). On the language bioprogram hypothesis: The state/process distinction and the punctual/nonpunctual distinction. Working Papers in Language Development, 7(1), 61-73.
- Catts, W. H., Larrivee, L. S., & Hu, C. F. (1992). The relationship between speech-language impairments and reading disabilities. Working Papers in Language Development, 7(1), 81-110.
- Hu, C. F. (1991). Phonetic recoding in beginning readers of Chinese. Working Papers in Language Development, 6(2), 97-121.
- Catts, H., Swank, L., Stewart, L., Larsen, A., McIntosh, S., Wiggins, K., & Hu, C. F. (1991). A preliminary report of a longitudinal study of speech-language impaired children. Working Papers in Language Development, 6(1), 69-87.
B. 專書及研討會論文集
- 胡潔芳(2021)。論雙語教育中的英語定位。載於教育政策研討會論集,台灣的雙語教育:挑戰與對策(頁197–219)。台北:黃昆輝教授教育基金會。
- 胡潔芳(2020)。導論。載於胡潔芳(主編),素養導向系列叢書:國小英語文教材教法(頁1–9)。臺北:五南。
- 胡潔芳(2020)。跨領域統整教學。載於胡潔芳(主編),素養導向系列叢書:國小英語文教材教法(頁71–91)。臺北:五南。
- 陳秋蘭、胡潔芳、戴雅茗(2018年)。CLIL在自然科學領域的應用。載於鄒文莉、高實玫(主編),CLIL教學資源書—探索學科內容與語言整合教學(ISBN:9789574458158)(頁119–135)。臺北:書林。
- Cheng, C. E., & Hu, C. F. (2009). Chinese learners’ context spelling knowledge: Position constraints and sequential dependencies. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (pp. 258-270). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane.
- Hu, C. F. (2007). Phonological processing as early indicator of L2 word learning difficulties. In Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on English Learning and Teaching: Linking Theory with Practice (pp. 8-25). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane.
- 胡潔芳. (2005). 母語音韻發展成熟度與外語學習之關係。兒童外語發展與學習,頁25-35。台北:台北市立教育大學兒童發展研究所。
- Hu, C. F. (2003). Learning New Words: L1 Phonological Awareness in Foreign Language Acquisition. Taipei: Crane.
- 胡潔芳. (2002). 幼兒美語學習在幼稚園的定位。幼兒美語學習在幼稚園的定位研討會彙整報告書,頁7.
- 胡潔芳. (2000). 語音運用預測漢字認讀能力之獨特性:三年研究。語文教育新動向,頁397-410。香港:國際語文教育研討會籌備委員會。
- Hu, C. F., & Kai, I-Hsin. (2000). Training phonemic awareness: Some theoretical and practical concerns. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China (pp 506-516). Taipei: Crane.
- Hu, C. F. (1999). Phonological processing, visual memory, and Chinese word reading ability: A study of children in first and third grade. In S. W. Wang, F. Tsao, & C. Lien (Eds.), Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (pp. 483-509). Taipei: Crane.
- Hu, C. F. (1999). Predicting foreign language word learning from first language phonological abilities. The Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 123-134). Taipei: Crane.
- Hu, C. F. (1998). Phonological processing and children's reading of Chinese. In B. K. T’sou (Ed.), Studia Linguistica Serica (pp. 243-258). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
- Catts, H., Hu, C. F., Larrivee, L., & Swank, L. (1994). The early identification of reading disabilities in speech-language impaired children. In R. Watkins & M. Rice (Eds.), Specific language impairments in children: Current directions in research and instruction (pp.145-160). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.
- Hu, C. F. (1993). Phonological processing, Chinese orthography, and children’s reading. Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
C. 研討會論文
- 胡潔芳。(2020, November 15)。雙語教育的趨勢與挑戰。2020教育部雙語教學研討會,臺中教育大學。
- 胡潔芳。(2019, November 30)。從學科認知歷程思考CLIL教學設計。2019全英語教學研究中心聯合成果研討會,彰化師範大學。
- Hu, C. F. (2019, June). More than one context sensitivity: Predicting reading comprehension in young EFL learners. Paper to be presented at the 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Hsu, F. H., & Hu, C. F. (2019, June). Relationships between reading and listening comprehension in adult EFL learners: Some insights from the Simple View of Reading. Paper to be presented at the 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Hsu, F. H. & Hu, C. F. (2019, May). Do phonological and orthographic awareness matter for reading comprehension in adult EFL learners? Paper to be presented at the 36th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Taichung.
- Hu, C. F., & Lin, C. C. (2018). Some do’s and don’ts of writing journal papers and grant proposals. Invited speech at 2018 Sixth International Conference at Feng Chia University Exploring the Uncharted Territories: Foreign Languages and Literature Teaching in Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
- 胡潔芳。(2017)。國小英語教學發展趨勢與展望。分科教材教法專書撰寫第一年度研討會,台北。
- Hu, C. F. (2017, November). Generalized learning of morphological patterns: Input and learner variables. Paper presented at The Applied Linguistics Conference (ALANZ/ALAA / ALTAANZ), Auckland, New Zealand.
- Hu, C. F. (2017, November). Realization of CLIL in an Elementary School: The Initial Phase of a Six-Year Pilot Program. Paper presented at Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Primary Education, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Hu, C. F. (2016, November). Adaptation to accented English by young learners. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Nagoya, Japan.
- Hu, C. F. (2016, July). Language exposure and phonological processing to English vocabulary acquisition. Paper presented at The 14th Asia TEFL International Conference, Vladivostok, Russia.
- Lu, Y. Y., & Hu, C. F. (2016, Jun). Predicting spelling performance by dynamic assessment of phonological awareness in young foreign language learners. Paper presented at the 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong.
- Lu, Y. Y., & Hu, C. F. (2016, May). Dynamic assessment of phonological awareness: Modifiability and the mediating role of language learning experience. Paper presented at the 33rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Zhanghua, Taiwan.
- 胡潔芳(2016, March)。跨階段外語學習研究之重要性。2016語言學門前瞻學術研究研討會。政治大學。
- Hu, C. F. (2015, July). Predict word reading ability: Young EFL learners’ ability to use and not use context clues. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Hawaii, U. S. A.
- Yang, J. K., & Hu, C. F. (2014, November). L2 Oral fluency: The relative contributions of phonological processing ability and learning experience. Paper presented at the 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Education at the University of Taipei. Taiwan.
- Hu, C. F. (2014, May). Learning words from context: From phonological processing to morphosyntactic bootstrapping. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of Children English Education, Hsinchu.
- Hu, C. F., Chen, A. S. W., & Kuo, F. L. (2012). What does the research in Taiwan say about EFL learners who fail at basic linguistic coding? Paper presented at 2012 IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers (SIG) Conference/Asian Literacy Conference, Taipei.
- Hu, C. F. (2012). When language experience failed to explain: Cognitive profile of EFL learners with discrepant reading ability. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA. (NSC98-2410-H-133-011; NSC 99-2410-H-133 -016 -MY2)
- Chang, P. H., & Hu, C. F. (2012). Cross-language prediction of reading: Does it depend on shared structures? Paper presented at the 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Hu, C. F. (2011). Effects of exposure to phonemic variability on children’s interpretation of novel L2 words. Paper presented at 2011 Hwa Kang Conference on English Language and Literature, Taipei.
- Hu, C. F. (2011). Early predictors of reading in children with Chinese as L1: A developmental and cross-linguistic perspective. Paper presented at the 35th Annual International Academy for Research in Learning Disability, Taipei.
- Hu, C. F. (2010). Learning and generalization of L2 morphology by Mandarin Chinese-speaking children with poorer L1 phonological awareness. Poster presented at Child Language Seminar, City University London.
- Shen, C. H., & Hu, C. F. (2010). Effective Reading Activities for Young EFL Learners. Workshop presented at Asian EFL Journal Conference, April 23-25, Providence University, Taiwan
- Hu, c. F. (2008, November). Foreign language learning difficulties: phonological basis. Paper presented at 2008 NUTN Conference on Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of English, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Hu, C. F. (2006, May). Phonological awareness and artificial morphological learning. Paper presented at 第一屆英語文教學與翻譯教學研討會,彰化師大。
- Hu, C. F. (2005, December). Learning L2 words with poor L1 phonological awareness: The effect of exposure to phonological regularity. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong.
- Hu, C. F. (2005, June). Extracting phonological patterns from L2. Paper presented at the 22nd Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chung, W.-L., & Hu, C. F. (2005). Early development of morphological awareness in Chinese-speaking children. Paper presented at the 6th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 2005 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
- Hu, C. F. (2002, December). Segmented Phonological Representation and L2 Vocabulary Learning. Paper presented at 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2002), Singapore.
- 胡潔芳 (2001, December). 語言學習本質與英語教學。論文發表於第五屆全國英語四位一體復習教學方法研討會,中國瀋陽。
- Hu, C. F. (2000). How much does L1 phonological development tell us about EFL literacy instruction. Paper presented at International Language in Education Conference 2000, Hong Kong.
- 胡潔芳. (1999). 從語音運用能力談語言習得。國小英語教學輔導研討會手冊,28-38。
- Hu, C. F. (1998, December). Changes in phonological representation: The role of learning to read. Paper presented at International Language in Education Conference 1998, Hong Kong.
- Catts, H. W., Larrivee, L. S., Hu, C. F., & Thomas, M. J. (1993, November). Verbal memory deficit as an indicator of reading disabilities. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Anaheim, CA.
D. 其它
胡潔芳 (2017). 從追求顯著差異談起。人文與社會科學簡訊,18(3), 53-55.
胡潔芳、沈佳慧 (2009). 閱讀教學:回歸外語教學的本質(上)。師德會訊, 51, 8-12。
胡潔芳、沈佳慧 (2009). 閱讀教學:回歸外語教學的本質(下)。師德會訊。
胡潔芳、沈佳慧 (2009). 淺談音韻與音韻學習。師德會訊, 53, 3-5。