
E.I.UTaipei臺北市立大學 英語教學系

Department of English Instruction | University of Taipei


教授 胡潔芳


Ph.D. Chieh-Fang Hu



研究室:臺北市立大學博愛校區 勤樸樓六樓 C620H

(02) 2311-3040 轉 4995

E-mail: cfhu@utaipei.edu.tw




A. 期刊論文

  1. Hu, C. F. (accepted). Resolving referential ambiguity for nouns and verbs across situations by foreign-language learners. English Teaching and Learning.
  2. Hu, C. F., & Maechtle, C. (2021). Construction learning by child learners of foreign language: Input distribution and learner factors. The Modern Language Journal, 105(1), 335–354.
  3. Lee, I. H., Maechtle, C., & Hu, C. F. (2021). Enhancing vocabulary retention in low-achieving EFL students: Massed or spaced? English Teaching and Learning, 45(4), 415–430.
  4. Hu, C. F. (2021). Adaptation to an unfamiliar accent by child L2 listeners. Language and Speech, 64(3), 491–514.
  5. Hsu, F. H., & Hu, C. F. (2019). Identifying the linguistic profile of persistent foreign language learning difficulties: A case study. English Teaching and Learning, 43(3), 235–254.
  6. Lu, Y. Y., & Hu, C. F. (2019). Dynamic assessment of phonological awareness in young foreign language learners: Predictability and modifiability. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 32(4), 891–908.
  7. Hu, C. F., & Hsu, F. H. (2018). The value of adding a flipped learning component to a humanities course in higher education: Student perception and performance. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 15(2), 1-32.
  8. 胡潔芳、楊麗中(2017):差異化教學與國小英語教學。教育研究月刊,279,98-116。
  9. Hu, C. F. (2017). Resolving referential ambiguity across ambiguous situations in young foreign language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 38(3), 633-656.
  10. Hu, C. F. (2016). Foreign-accent comprehension and adaptation: What we can learn from young native learners of English. English Teaching and Learning, 40(4), 65-89.
  11. Hu, C. F., & Schuele, C. M. (2015). When language experience fails to explain word reading development: Cognitive and linguistic profiles of young foreign language learners. Modern Language Journal, 99(4), 754-770.
  12. Liu, K. L., & Hu, C. F. (2015). Promoting oral reading fluency in young EFL learners through readers theater. English Teaching and Learning, 39, 1-31.  
  13. 陳羿均、胡潔芳、鄭錦桂(2015):臺灣外籍華語文學習者解讀漢字之傾向。課程與教學季刊,18(1)123-146。
  14. Hu, C. F. (2014). Adapting to atypical word forms in young EFL learners. English Teaching and Learning, 38(4), 1-25.
  15. 楊麗中、張期敏、胡潔芳(2014):圖畫故事書在英語教學中常見的問題。國教新知,61(2)3-11。
  16. Hu, C. F. (2014). Extracting phonological patterns for L2 word learning: The effect of poor L1 phonological awareness. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43, 569-585.
  17. 張苾含、胡潔芳、陳俊光 (2013):英漢雙語學童聲韻覺識及構詞覺識與英漢認字能力之相關研究。教育心理學報,45,201-220。
  18. Hu, C.F. (2013). Predictors of reading in children with Chinese as a first Language: A developmental and cross-linguistic perspective. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26(2), 163-187. DOI: 10.1007/s11145-012-9360-0
  19. Hu, C. F. (2012). Fast mapping and deliberate word-learning by EFL Children. Modern Language Journal, 96(3), 439-453.
  20. Liu, Y. C., & Hu, C. F. (2010). The role of Chinese EFL learners’ sensitivity to English lexical stress patterns in grammatical category assignments. English Teaching and Learning, 34(4), 1-31.
  21. Guo, L. L., & Hu, C. F. (2010). The effects of exposure to rhyming words on the L2 word learning. TMUE Journal of Literature and Linguistics.
  22. Hu, C. F. (2010). Chinese children’s preferential use of sublexical cues in interpreting Chinese characters. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 13(4), 229-253.
  23. Shen, C. H., & Hu, C. F. (2010) The effects of post-reading activities on young EFL learners’ word learning. English Teaching and Learning, 34, 55-101.
  24. Hu, C. F. (2010). Phonological bases for L2 morphological learning. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 39, 305-322.  
  25. Hu, C. F. (2008). Use orthography in L2 auditory word learning: Who benefits? Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 21, 823-841.
  26. 胡潔芳 (2008). 兒童漢語構詞覺識與聲韻覺識之關係。華語文教學研究,5,45-66。
  27. Hu, C. F. (2008). Rate of acquiring and processing L2 color words in relations to L1 phonological awareness. Modern Language Journal, 9, 39-52.
  28. Chu, H. M., Yu, Y. Y., Chang, H. T. A., Ting, L., Yu, C., & Hu, C. F. (2007). Effectiveness of phonological remediation for children with poor English word reading abilities. English Teaching and Learning, 31, 85-125.
  29. Chung, W. L., & Hu, C. F. (2007). Morphological awareness and learning to read Chinese. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 20(5), 441-461.
  30. Hu, C. F., & Cheng, C. K. (2006). EFL early literacy development: Synthesis of the research. English Teaching and Learning, special issue 2, 21-49.
  31. 胡潔芳 (2006). 由心理語言學討論不同詞彙編排方式的學習效果,國教新知,53(3),1-6.
  32. Hu, C. F. (2005). How much you learn from shared reading may depend on how sensitive you are to the sound structure. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 2, 4-15.
  33. Hu, C. F., & Schuele, C. M. (2005). Learning nonnative names: The effect of poor native phonological awareness. Applied Psycholinguistics, 26, 343-362.
  34. Chan, I. C., Hu, C. F., & Wan, I. P. (2005). Learning to read and spell: The relative role of phonemic awareness and onset-rime awareness. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 3(1), 65-100.
  35. Hu, C. F. (2004). The development of phonological representations among Chinese-speaking children. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2, 103-130.
  36. Hu, C. F. (2004). Learning to spell with poor phonological awareness. English Teaching and Learning, 28(3), 31-52.
  37. 胡潔芳. (2004). 幼兒學習美語的迷思. 幼教簡訊, 20, 12-13.
  38. Hu, C. F. (2003). Phonological memory, phonological awareness, and foreign language word learning. Language Learning, 53, 429-462.
  39. Hu, C. F. (2002). Nonword repetitions of EFL children. Journal of Taipei Municipal Teachers College, 33, 457-470.
  40. 胡潔芳 (2002). 淺談「舞音弄韻」在外語習得之重要性。國教新知,49,19-28
  41. 胡潔芳 (2001). 隱性與顯性音韻表徵之發展與詞彙量之關係。臺北市立師範學院學報,32599-612.
  42. 胡潔芳 (2001). 從語言學習的本質探討外語學習能力的差異。教育研究月刊,89, 66-74. (NSC89-2411-H-133-010)
  43. Hu, C. F. (2000). Some questions you may ask about phonics. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Language and Literature, 7, 161-172.
  44. 胡潔芳 (1999). 如何協助孩童發展英語音韻覺識。英語教學,23(3),7-14。
  45. Hu, C. F., & Catts, H. W. (1998). The role of phonological processing in early reading ability: What we can learn from Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, 2, 55-79.
  46. 胡潔芳 (1997).語音運用與漢字學讀。人文及社會科教育通訊,8,68-79。
  47. Hu, C. F., Kao, C., & Zhang, Z. W. (1997). Syllabic or subsyllabic: The nature of representation in Chinese-speaking children. Hwa Kang Journal of English Language and Literature, 3, 3-19. 
  48. Hu, C. F. (1995). Phonological mediation, meaning access, and orthographic depth: A multilingual comparison. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Language and Literature, 2, 249-272.
  49. Hu, C. F. (1994). A chain formation and acquisition of causativization: Comment on Borer and Wexler’s maturation hypothesis. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Languages and Literature, renewed edition, 209-215.
  50. Hu, C. F., & Catts, H. (1993). Phonetic recoding as a universal process? Evidence from beginning readers of Chinese. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 325-337.
  51. Hu, C. F. (1992). On the language bioprogram hypothesis: The state/process distinction and the punctual/nonpunctual distinction. Working Papers in Language Development, 7(1), 61-73.
  52. Catts, W. H., Larrivee, L. S., & Hu, C. F. (1992). The relationship between speech-language impairments and reading disabilities. Working Papers in Language Development, 7(1), 81-110.
  53. Hu, C. F. (1991). Phonetic recoding in beginning readers of Chinese. Working Papers in Language Development, 6(2), 97-121.
  54. Catts, H., Swank, L., Stewart, L., Larsen, A., McIntosh, S., Wiggins, K., & Hu, C. F. (1991). A preliminary report of a longitudinal study of speech-language impaired children. Working Papers in Language Development, 6(1), 69-87.

B. 專書及研討會論文集

  1. 胡潔芳(2021)。論雙語教育中的英語定位。載於教育政策研討會論集,台灣的雙語教育:挑戰與對策(頁197–219)。台北:黃昆輝教授教育基金會。
  2. 胡潔芳(2020)。導論。載於胡潔芳(主編),素養導向系列叢書:國小英語文教材教法(頁1–9)。臺北:五南。
  3. 胡潔芳(2020)。跨領域統整教學。載於胡潔芳(主編),素養導向系列叢書:國小英語文教材教法(頁71–91)。臺北:五南。
  4. 陳秋蘭、胡潔芳、戴雅茗(2018年)。CLIL在自然科學領域的應用。載於鄒文莉、高實玫(主編),CLIL教學資源書探索學科內容與語言整合教學(ISBN:9789574458158)(頁119–135)。臺北:書林。
  5. Cheng, C. E., & Hu, C. F. (2009). Chinese learners’ context spelling knowledge: Position constraints and sequential dependencies. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (pp. 258-270). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane.
  6. Hu, C. F. (2007). Phonological processing as early indicator of L2 word learning difficulties. In Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on English Learning and Teaching: Linking Theory with Practice (pp. 8-25). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane. 
  7. 胡潔芳. (2005). 母語音韻發展成熟度與外語學習之關係。兒童外語發展與學習,頁25-35。台北:台北市立教育大學兒童發展研究所。
  8. Hu, C. F. (2003). Learning New Words: L1 Phonological Awareness in Foreign Language Acquisition. Taipei: Crane.
  9. 胡潔芳. (2002). 幼兒美語學習在幼稚園的定位。幼兒美語學習在幼稚園的定位研討會彙整報告書,頁7.
  10. 胡潔芳. (2000). 語音運用預測漢字認讀能力之獨特性:三年研究。語文教育新動向,頁397-410。香港:國際語文教育研討會籌備委員會。 
  11. Hu, C. F., & Kai, I-Hsin. (2000). Training phonemic awareness: Some theoretical and practical concerns. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China (pp 506-516). Taipei: Crane.
  12. Hu, C. F. (1999). Phonological processing, visual memory, and Chinese word reading ability: A study of children in first and third grade. In S. W. Wang, F. Tsao, & C. Lien (Eds.), Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (pp. 483-509). Taipei: Crane.
  13. Hu, C. F. (1999). Predicting foreign language word learning from first language phonological abilities. The Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 123-134). Taipei: Crane.
  14. Hu, C. F. (1998). Phonological processing and children's reading of Chinese. In B. K. T’sou (Ed.), Studia Linguistica Serica (pp. 243-258). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
  15. Catts, H., Hu, C. F., Larrivee, L., & Swank, L. (1994). The early identification of reading disabilities in speech-language impaired children. In R. Watkins & M. Rice (Eds.), Specific language impairments in children: Current directions in research and instruction (pp.145-160). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.
  16. Hu, C. F. (1993). Phonological processing, Chinese orthography, and children’s reading. Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 

C. 研討會論文

  1. 胡潔芳。(2020, November 15)。雙語教育的趨勢與挑戰。2020教育部雙語教學研討會,臺中教育大學。
  2. 胡潔芳。(2019, November 30)。從學科認知歷程思考CLIL教學設計。2019全英語教學研究中心聯合成果研討會,彰化師範大學。
  3. Hu, C. F. (2019, June). More than one context sensitivity: Predicting reading comprehension in young EFL learners. Paper to be presented at the 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
  4. Hsu, F. H., & Hu, C. F. (2019, June). Relationships between reading and listening comprehension in adult EFL learners: Some insights from the Simple View of Reading. Paper to be presented at the 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. Hsu, F. H. & Hu, C. F. (2019, May). Do phonological and orthographic awareness matter for reading comprehension in adult EFL learners? Paper to be presented at the 36th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Taichung.
  6. Hu, C. F., & Lin, C. C. (2018). Some do’s and don’ts of writing journal papers and grant proposals. Invited speech at 2018 Sixth International Conference at Feng Chia University Exploring the Uncharted Territories: Foreign Languages and Literature Teaching in Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
  7. 胡潔芳。(2017)。國小英語教學發展趨勢與展望。分科教材教法專書撰寫第一年度研討會,台北。
  8. Hu, C. F. (2017, November). Generalized learning of morphological patterns: Input and learner variables. Paper presented at The Applied Linguistics Conference (ALANZ/ALAA / ALTAANZ), Auckland, New Zealand.
  9. Hu, C. F. (2017, November). Realization of CLIL in an Elementary School: The Initial Phase of a Six-Year Pilot Program. Paper presented at Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Primary Education, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
  10. Hu, C. F. (2016, November). Adaptation to accented English by young learners. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Nagoya, Japan.
  11. Hu, C. F. (2016, July). Language exposure and phonological processing to English vocabulary acquisition. Paper presented at The 14th Asia TEFL International Conference, Vladivostok, Russia.
  12. Lu, Y. Y., & Hu, C. F. (2016, Jun). Predicting spelling performance by dynamic assessment of phonological awareness in young foreign language learners. Paper presented at the 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong.
  13. Lu, Y. Y., & Hu, C. F. (2016, May). Dynamic assessment of phonological awareness: Modifiability and the mediating role of language learning experience. Paper presented at the 33rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Zhanghua, Taiwan.
  14. 胡潔芳(2016, March)。跨階段外語學習研究之重要性。2016語言學門前瞻學術研究研討會。政治大學。
  15. Hu, C. F. (2015, July). Predict word reading ability: Young EFL learners’ ability to use and not use context clues. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Hawaii, U. S. A.
  16. Yang, J. K., & Hu, C. F. (2014, November). L2 Oral fluency: The relative contributions of phonological processing ability and learning experience. Paper presented at the 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Education at the University of Taipei. Taiwan.
  17. Hu, C. F. (2014, May). Learning words from context: From phonological processing to morphosyntactic bootstrapping. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of Children English Education, Hsinchu.
  18. Hu, C. F., Chen, A. S. W., & Kuo, F. L. (2012). What does the research in Taiwan say about EFL learners who fail at basic linguistic coding? Paper presented at 2012 IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers (SIG) Conference/Asian Literacy Conference, Taipei.
  19. Hu, C. F. (2012). When language experience failed to explain: Cognitive profile of EFL learners with discrepant reading ability. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA. (NSC98-2410-H-133-011; NSC 99-2410-H-133 -016 -MY2)
  20. Chang, P. H., & Hu, C. F. (2012). Cross-language prediction of reading: Does it depend on shared structures? Paper presented at the 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.
  21. Hu, C. F. (2011). Effects of exposure to phonemic variability on children’s interpretation of novel L2 words. Paper presented at 2011 Hwa Kang Conference on English Language and Literature, Taipei.
  22. Hu, C. F. (2011). Early predictors of reading in children with Chinese as L1: A developmental and cross-linguistic perspective. Paper presented at the 35th Annual International Academy for Research in Learning Disability, Taipei.
  23. Hu, C. F. (2010). Learning and generalization of L2 morphology by Mandarin Chinese-speaking children with poorer L1 phonological awareness. Poster presented at Child Language Seminar, City University London.
  24. Shen, C. H., & Hu, C. F. (2010). Effective Reading Activities for Young EFL Learners. Workshop presented at Asian EFL Journal Conference, April 23-25, Providence University, Taiwan
  25. Hu, c. F. (2008, November). Foreign language learning difficulties: phonological basis. Paper presented at 2008 NUTN Conference on Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of English, Tainan, Taiwan.
  26. Hu, C. F. (2006, May). Phonological awareness and artificial morphological learning. Paper presented at 第一屆英語文教學與翻譯教學研討會,彰化師大。
  27. Hu, C. F. (2005, December). Learning L2 words with poor L1 phonological awareness: The effect of exposure to phonological regularity. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages, Hong Kong.
  28. Hu, C. F. (2005, June). Extracting phonological patterns from L2. Paper presented at the 22nd Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan.
  29. Chung, W.-L., & Hu, C. F. (2005). Early development of morphological awareness in Chinese-speaking children. Paper presented at the 6th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 2005 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
  30. Hu, C. F. (2002, December). Segmented Phonological Representation and L2 Vocabulary Learning. Paper presented at 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2002), Singapore.
  31. 胡潔芳 (2001, December). 語言學習本質與英語教學。論文發表於第五屆全國英語四位一體復習教學方法研討會,中國瀋陽。
  32. Hu, C. F. (2000). How much does L1 phonological development tell us about EFL literacy instruction. Paper presented at International Language in Education Conference 2000, Hong Kong.
  33. 胡潔芳. (1999). 從語音運用能力談語言習得。國小英語教學輔導研討會手冊28-38
  34. Hu, C. F. (1998, December). Changes in phonological representation: The role of learning to read. Paper presented at International Language in Education Conference 1998, Hong Kong. 
  35. Catts, H. W., Larrivee, L. S., Hu, C. F., & Thomas, M. J. (1993, November). Verbal memory deficit as an indicator of reading disabilities. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Anaheim, CA.

D. 其它

胡潔芳 (2017). 從追求顯著差異談起。人文與社會科學簡訊18(3), 53-55.

胡潔芳、沈佳慧 (2009). 閱讀教學:回歸外語教學的本質(上)。師德會訊, 51, 8-12

胡潔芳、沈佳慧 (2009). 閱讀教學:回歸外語教學的本質(下)。師德會訊。

胡潔芳、沈佳慧 (2009). 淺談音韻與音韻學習。師德會訊, 53, 3-5
